Global Peace


Abundance For All

The Kingdom of God - Global Peace & Abundance For All

This site is about Biblical prophecy, the words and wisdom of God, the teachings of Jesus and the visions of the prophets throughout the ages. What's on this site is what God has told me are the most important things we need to know in these "end of days"

Despite the name of this site and its presumed content, people who are not religious will likely find it to be interesting, factual, informative and relevant to the "non-religious" and religious world of today.

The Book of Jeremiah

Talking about the Book of Jeremiah provides a great number of examples of things people should consider when reading the Bible and the world as it is today


Other Sites:








The City of Shelton, Washington asked me to cite these verses to depict their churches. Evidence of the fact of their request is simple to  produce.

Jeremiah 7:7

See also the Koran Surah 7

This quote is put here for the proud Shelton Police and Weed and Seed death Squads who are so proud to boast to you all about their arrogance in committing torture and other crimes. Ministers, Weed and Seed is satanist. They asked me to say all this.

The people of Shelton are threatening me to take this message off. The day they and the U.S. Govt stop attacking us in our home and elsewhere, I'll consider it, since it was their idea of a joke to have it placed here.

Original link to this column's idiocy: 

Habakkuk3:14 and 2:12

  The Era of Reconciliation - First Announced in 2003

"We must embrace a NEW Revolution, a Global transformation, a social and cultural revolution of ideas, accountability, transparency and responsibility to ensure that our governments serve us. It begins with each of us"

And still His arms are outstretched...

Daniel Nahmod - One Power - One Power

Jason Warner - In The Waiting - God Of Wonders

Seals and Crofts - The Longest Road - One Planet, One People Please


Jason Warner - In The Waiting
God Is God


Embracing the possibility
of a world that empowers
Global Peace & Abundance For All


For the Love of the World
For the Love
of the World
A Book




(C) 1964-2020 Charles Rehn, Jr. IV        Fair Use Policy