The Kingdom of God - Global Peace & Abundance For All

This site is about Biblical prophecy, the words and wisdom of God, the teachings of Jesus and the visions of the prophets throughout the ages. What's on this site is what God has told me are the most important things we need to know in these "end of days"


What Brought Us To Today
in the United States

I remember that when I decided to read the Bible, I got to the Book of Jeremiah in the Bible, and compared that to what was happening in Iraq, and realized that the Bush Administration, following the plan of the Council on Foreign Relations and the subset called the Project For A New American Century were working on establishing another 100 years of U.S. Empire.

People who read the Bible and understand it's analogical paradigms understand things like, Egypt is often the example of the ruling Empire from a cultural evolutionary approach, and others would also recognize the United States as that as well as Babylon, Rome, and other nations and empires that have ultimately failed in the past by allowing their infrastructure to erode, by draining their nations' economies and forcing the people to deal with health care, food production and reliance on mercenaries and economically based alliances for military capabilities used to wage war for profit, a practice that yields positive results until the nations' finances are drained and their economies fail.

At that point, the rulers of those nations turn to tyranny and take a "let them eat cake" approach. 

In 2000, G.W. Bush campaigned and said that he would seek to allow the IMF to control a greater part of our economy. The IMF has a long history of causing the social conditions described above, and are implementing those policies in the United States and around he world since the legislatively induced economic collapse and global depression we now face.

As the Rothchilds/Idumeans/Illuminati/Fabians/Nazis said long ago after causing the economic collapse of Great Britain and buying the bulk of their corporate stocks for pennies on the dollar, so long as they can control the economies, they don't care what the governments of the nations legislate.

They did this by claiming Napolean won, causing Britain's stock market crash the day before Napolean lost Waterloo.

Thus, the concept of economic slavery as it has existed since the days of the Romans, Idumean infiltrants such as the elders of Israel/Zion (responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus) and of course, the times of Jesus Himself. (much like the CFR/IMF infiltrants in the U.S. Government, supposedly having incorporated in 1973, but actually boasting their infiltration since 1926)

This is why Biblical prophecy actually IS important in politics today. As I once heard Chris Matthews, religion is politics, and politics is religion because it's about values.

So, when you remember how G.W. Bush was compared to Alexander the Great, and supposedly made a slip of the tongue when he called the invasion of Afghanistan the beginning of a crusade.... and then understand that the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq were actually about securing land and resources for the Caspian Sea Pipeline to transport oil to China... after oil pipeline consultant Hamid Karzai, their future installed president, failed to secure the pipeline management for the United States, and oil from Iraq and Iran were required for the management and profits of Exxon (under threat of nuclear war) as well as to supply Great Britain, the reason for the Gulf War in Iraq to assist Kuwait in supplying Great Britain oil stolen from Iraq...

You read the book of Jeremiah and the non-network news of the devastation in Iraq, their lack of medical supplies and even the ability to take x-rays of broken bones, the deformed children caused by nuclear depleted uranium bullets and bombs (that could be called dirty bombs and nuclear war and genocide) of nations we had previously called allies so long as they were useful and profitable to us...

And then compare that to the war and devastation of Iraq and other nations in the book of Jeremiah, and you'll probably find yourself living in Lamentations for awhile like I did.

Those things said, you probably think that's what this page is about. It's not. 

It's simply educating you on the realities of what is actually occurring in the world without bias or emotion or nationalism or propaganda from politicians who don't want you to understand the truth that you wouldn't approve of if you knew it.

And the truth withheld from you by people and organizations that don't want you to understand how you, your money  your nation and patriotic soldiers are being used for their benefit.

And then the other truth, what this page IS about: their desire to have you believe that you must have faith in the government, and consider the ways of God as something more like recreation. 

There's an old saying: when God is dead, the government is God.

That's why organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations wants so many religious leaders to be wooed by their power, and close their eyes to seeking the truth of their objectives.



The Book of Jeremiah


Talking about the Book of Jeremiah provides a great number of examples of things people should consider when reading the Bible and the world as it is today

Liz Story - The Gift - 08 - The Truth From Above

[1] "We dispersed them over the earth in separate communities - some are righteous and some less so:  We tested them with blessings and misfortunes, so that they might all return to righteousness - and they were succeeded who, although they inherited the scriptures, took the fleeting gains of this lower world and said "We shall be forgiven", and indeed taking them again if other such gains came their way". Was a pledge not taken from them, written in the Scripture, to say nothing but truth about God? And have they not studied its contents?"

[2] "...the wrongdoers substituted another saying for the one that had been given them..."

My favorite challenge when reading the Bible is understanding the different vernaculars from prophet to prophet, decade to decade, sometimes using the same words but those words have different meaning depending on when they were used and what nation the writer was from.

I find it interesting that many religions have so many new editions of the Bible every year. Not long ago, I ordered a version of the Scofield reference Bible which had 5 different versions in 1957. I wondered what the differences were, and why there was a different version for ministers and others for congregations.

Unfortunately, I should have bought the 196 version I was actually looking for, which contained references to things like the word "Nasa", meaning, to ascend, and "the Matrix of God" referring to everything from the Bible to the ways and worldly foundations God created, and my favorite, from Ezekiel, "the Elders of Zion", replaced in 1957 by the phrase Ancients of Israel, and sometimes, Elders of Israel. 

These are actually very significant phrases that seem to have been edited out, for reasons I'll explain later, phrases I also could not find in other Bibles written in 1909 or 1869. The Scofield is a Bible used by Lutherans, founded, of course, in Germany, which also makes the phrase "Elders of Zion" even more interesting and important.

For your reference, I have begun what I call the Vernacular of the Kingdom, Chuck's dictionary, to discuss a variety of definitions and interpretations and of words in the Bible and common language in order to understand what these words and phrases meant in a variety of contexts. Part of what I discovered is that the actual meanings of words changed over time, often on purpose, to cause people to develop a new way of understanding cultures and societies, often times to trick people into believing things were other than the way they are. 

It's called philology. Some might call the purposeful altering of the use of a word as Orwellian Newspeak or Double-talk. That's why the following is so relevant:

[2] "...the wrongdoers substituted another saying for the one that had been given them..."

How all that relates to the Book of Jeremiah and the understanding David had of God's ways:

Prophets often speak of God in ways that would suggest that if you don't do exactly what God tells you to do, he'll destroy you, like a tyrannist in a fit of rage. In the book of Jeremiah, my favorite, he writes of how his nation must listen to and follow the wisdom of God, and if they don't "God told Him", essentially, that they would be harshly punished. He goes on to say that people wouldn't listen to him, Jeremiah the prophet speaking on behalf of God, and when they chose to otherwise do as they wanted to - out of fear or practice or peer pressure p the things predicted happened.

Jeremiah then goes on to write that God punished them as God said He would.

Then in lamentations, Jeremiah writes about his horror and the harm done by his nation, disregarding God's advice and wisdom. But the impression that God punished them remained as the intended message. Again, as if God punished not because they were doing things in self-destructive ways, but because God was angry with them for disobeying.

I remember when Peter wanted to wash the feet of Jesus, and Jesus told him if you wash mine, I'll have to wash yours.

I mention that because it made me wonder about the meaning of the word "worship". Certainly, every leader likes to be thanked every once in a  while, maybe honored, but if we actually believe God give to us willingly, out of love, and IS love - charity, the real meaning of the word when used in the Bible - and if His wisdom and advice is given not to merely honor His preferences and wishes, but reflects the way to "operate the world" like a machine or "ecology" or "environment" He made to work in perfect balance, then the word "worship" means more to respect His advice on how to operate it so that it works for everyone, and thus, worship would mean to study to understand and respect and honor His ways, and then, thank Him every once in a while for reminding us through His prophets, and honor Him by taking His advice.

King David is one of my favorite examples of someone who understands that God is everything, and that understanding also  includes cause and effect, for every action there is equal and opposite reaction.

So one time, David made  a mistake in the way he "operated the machine, and God him a choice of 3 different outcomes that most of us might interpret as meaning God asked David "What of these 3 punishments will you select for disobeying?" David decided to let God decide, and 70,000 people died.

None of what I'm going to say next is to say that God is nothing more than nature occurring. 

But when those 70,000 people died, it wasn't God punishing anyone. It was simply that because His ways, the inventor's ways, weren't adhered to like in an owner's and operator's manual, bad things happened. It's like dumping radiation into the ocean, and fish dying. 

God doesn't do that or allow it, people with free will do it and suffer the consequences by managing things improperly. And while some would have us wonder, "Why does God allow the world to be this way", consider the way we think of tyrannical governments in history... think of how we have criticized the ways of Communism, illegal surveiling and spying.. consider the complaints of citizens in the United States when hey fled England and developed the Declaration of Independence in the United States, and why empires typically claim they fight wars in defense of freedom and Democracy. Choice.

So when we consider what we believe is God allowing bad things to happen, and then punishing us, I prefer to believe that God allows us freedom, and also provides teachers and prophets to inform, let us learn from making mistakes as well as good choices, and to warn us when we're about to make choices or take actions that will do great harm to ourselves, others and the world we live in. Whether we like the truth or not.

One of my favorite example of "Inconvenient truths" is when I read - despite my belief in being responsible for the environment, though I can't say I'm better than anyone when it comes to doing that, is finding out that while we citizens are told that we must conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gases, as if we are to blame for "global warming", that the war in Iraq, all by itself, accounted for 60% of the carbon emissions in our atmosphere, and that carbon emissions from acts of war are not included in the statistics when levels of carbon emissions are reported to us in global reports on the subject.

In a sense, this deceit in these times of deception upon deception upon deception blame the victims for the crimes or offenses of the criminals and offenders.  In this case, the citizens are blamed despite the actions of the governments. It's much the same as the days when we blamed women for being raped.

In the United States, George W. Bush spoke of codifications. I looked in the dictionary and discovered it didn't simply mean passing laws, it meant systematically passing legislation that resulted in a new culture or society. 

In this case, it meant passing laws that were unconstitutional with provisions making it impossible to investigate the crimes allowed by the illegal legislation. This applies to everything from economic laws or loopholes to violations of privacy, surveillance and incarcerations. It has also to do with what George H.W. Bush called "the New World Order.

This continues to apply to the book of Jeremiah if only because of ignoring God's ways regarding usury, known best as credit and loans.

I remember a quote by Woodrow Wilson after he left office talking about how he feared he had destroyed this nation, the United States, when he violated the constitution and installed the Federal Reserve System, granting the ability to mint U.S. money and taking that responsibility away from congress. From that moment on, the United States began paying a premium price for our own money, and this "credit" we received by paying interest to the Federal Reserve took only 13 years to bankrupt the United States and ultimately cause a global depression that isn't as bad as the global economic depression occurring now.

God's way was to not give credit, but if loans were made, to make them so that they could be paid back within 12 months so that people could avoid economic slavery, paying almost indefinitely for debts instead of being able to enjoy the "fruits of their labors". Further, that loans were not to be made for profits, and if interest was charged, it was only to cover the expense of administering the loans. 

And finally, He demanded what's called the Jubilee. Every 100 years, all loans are forgiven so that economies and the lives of people could be freed, and everyone had the opportunity for a fresh start. In the Christian world, God's way was all but forgotten. 

In 2000, I remember the call of the Catholic Church for the Jubilee to be honored. A  few loans were forgiven, very few.

In 2000, on the campaign trail, G.W. Bush said he would involve the IMF (international monetary fund) in the economy of the United States. The record of the IMF is that nations receiving loans must alter their cultures and laws to suit their methods, and within 5 years, those nations are in the position to never be able to repay the loans because of the interest due. Economic slavery.


In the United States, we have been placed in dependence upon the Federal Reserve, which will now become a subset of the IMF. If you monitor the activities of the IMF, since the codification of the economic collapse of the United States and other nations, you'll see that what is happening globally is what happened in the United States in 1929.

Remember, this actually IS about the warnings of God through Jeremiah in the bible, and the quotes at the top of this page which refer to alterations of verbiage as well as interpretations in the Bible and philology. And it's not just about the United States. It's a global phenomenon of Newspeak, stating the facts but leaving out the details that would inform the people of the truth.

Keep in mind how George W. Bush talked of "torte reform".

When the "New Deal" was signed by Pres. Franklin Delano Roosevelt it provided us  with many social programs to entitle citizens to Social Security and other programs to "care for citizens" and "grow the nation". It was a deal that accommodated citizens in a torte with the Federal Reserve Board, which is a private organization, not a governmental agency. And that torte, the legal negotiation and document that settled the case with the federal Reserve was actually a settlement on the foreclosure of the ownership of the United States, and the New Deal" was much like a rental agreement stating that so long as the United States followed the rules of the Federal reserve, we'd be allowed to live here. 

In effect, they own it. It's like the old saying parents sometimes use, as long as you live in my house, you live by my rules.

The economic collapse in the United States is like the Federal Reserve saying, we've reformed the torte settlement, and we have new rules. Now, the International Monetary Fund is attempting to takeover the global economy with the same intent as the federal Reserve had in mind when it infiltrated the U.S. economy by force, and thus, controlled the government. It's happening all over the world now.

Again, this is what happens when God's ways are not honored. This is the economic slavery Jesus warned us about. Implemented by the same basic tribe of people who crucified Jesus, and it wasn't the Jewish people, it was the 666 Idumeans who infiltrated the Jewish Religion.

(When David "numbered the Jews" and the other tribes, he counted the number of people of the name of each tribe. The number of the name of Satan was 666. There are other interpretations of this, some valid, but this one is true.)

I want it to be clear to people that Christians are Jews, and Jews are Christians, having nothing to do with race, but faith. I say that because some people think Jews must be converted to Christians before the 2nd Coming of Christ. It is perceived that because many Jews at the time of Jesus chose to call Him a prophet, not "the Messiah" or leader, however, the fact is that Jews DO follow the Christ (leader) God provides, despite interpretations that they rejected Jesus. The Idumeans rejected Christ, people did not understand that those Idumeans in the leadership of Jews were not Jews but infiltrants as described in Ezekiel. Thus, in the 2nd Coming, "Conversion of Jews" becomes a moot point because they will follow God's Christ, and thus, are Christians should Christ be accepted by the leaders of the time.

Keep in mind, too, that these Idumeans knew Jesus was in the world, but to retain power, posing as Jews, they dictated that if Jesus or anyone claimed to be the Son of God, to kill him. And when Jesus was born, just like in the time of Moses, the government and leaders killed the children in hopes they would end up killing Jesus the Christ. They knew He was alive, they just didn't know which one He was.

So again, the book of Jeremiah, knowing God's ways and abiding by them is not about religion, it's about knowing how the world actually works and how it was designed to work, like a  car or a plane or like a doctor who needs to know how a human body works to keep it well. The religion may be the practice or discipline taught and adhered to, but worshipping God is not about being religious as some sort of "outward proof" of being moral or ethical or Christian or Muslim or  Jewish or Hindu or Buddhist -  worshipping God is understanding His ways and honoring them in practice.

Further, understanding that people like Jeremiah are Christs - not Christ Jesus - but Christs, leaders and teachers and people to remind us of God's ways and who know how to interpret the occurrences in the world and how to reconcile to the way God intended it to work. Keep in mind that these prophets are people who communicate with God directly, and that the word Christ or anointed or messiah means "leader", and in religious terms, the leader God chose, not the leader people choose.

Daniel Nahmod - Different Me - 03 - No Place For Hate

When people refused to listen to Jeremiah, God did not punish them, bad things happened because people refused to listen to the man God chose to inform them of the way the "machine" works properly. And it was allowed to happen because the government had appeased the people by making them wealthy and feeling secure, so when things started going wrong and they became afraid, they trusted government and convincing speeches that made them feel good instead of continuing to have faith in God's ways, and following those instead, demanding their government adhere to the principles the people believed their nations observed.

I remember Jesus once said, people never do anything except out of fear. 

In God's world, people do things out of love. That's one of the most important things Jesus tried to teach. And why the Golden Rule is the Only Rule required, an the only law of God's kingdom. God said it, Jesus said it, if you will simply follow the Golden Rule, God said, you will have obeyed my law.

Given what is occurring in the world today, I find it very important to point something out. Something point by history, something pointed out by the Koran / Qur'an - Muslims honor Jesus. And Historically, Muslims honor the Christs of God. Throughout history, Muslim nations have allowed "Christians" - Christs - to lead them, understanding that "Christians" are the people chosen by God to speak on His behalf, and that the Christs are the individual leaders chosen by God, to speak and communicate directly with God, on behalf of God, and respecting that God chooses that person.

It should, however, be respected that all religions of a moral basis are ways of viewing or approaching and honoring God, that Christians have a promise and an oath to be faithful to God, to be leaders and representatives of the basis "foundations" of the world, but as people and as a religion are no better than any other peoples or religions. That all religions comprise the teachings and spirituality of God, with different purposes, and the differences between them should be considered informative, not right or wrong. This concept is actually no different than having adjectives in our languages.

Further, that Christians should take to heart the scriptures when God said that when making their promise to God, though we might sin and that those sins can and will be forgiven, that if you turn your back on the intent of the golden rule and resort to evil, it is better to have never made the promise to God to take (the teachings of ) Jesus into your heart.

Otherwise (the teachings and leadership of) Jesus is not your savior, evil is, but will destroy you.

And that is part of the lesson of the Book of Jeremiah, with Lamentations your condition as a result.

The end of days does not require the destruction of earth and life, though it could occur. 

It will result in the disempowerment of people who, despite their original intent, resorted to evil and deception to fulfill the vanity of their desires and command power and control. And even when those types succeed, their success leads to their failure.

That's part of what King David understood: the ways and the promise of God. Though David was not perfect, it's why God said that Christ in the Second Coming would be of the seed of David, not genetically, but with the understanding of God like David had.

Despite Revelations, the paradigm of the world today is that of the times of Jeremiah, unless we choose otherwise.

In 2002, I was watching Wolf Blitzer on CNN during Ramadan just after the Senate voted to go to war against Iraq. A headline on the scroll talked about how Egypt and other nations were viewing a Docudrama based on something called  "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion". I'd never heard of it before. I've linked you to it because it's as important to read as it is shocking, because it tells of the methods used by Idumeans/Illuminati/Skull & Bones to overtake nations and now, in their attempt to overtake the world. 

Always keep in mind that this document was considered a hoax to implicate "the Jews", just as we have falsely been led to believe that Jewish people were the ones who made the decision to crucify Jesus. If you are of Jewish descent, please understand that I have hereby informed people this is not about a Jewish Conspiracy, but ultimately, a conspiracy to cause economic slavery by the people who designed the Hegelian Dialectics described, and is intended to inform as well as to vindicate you with its exposure as such. 

No matter what The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion says, remember that "the Jews" are not the conspirators. The hoax was to make people think they are. Also remember that Jewish surnames do not necessarily indicate people are actually "Jews"


[1] - Excerpt from The Qur'an, A New Translation by M.A.S. Abdel Haleem, Oxford World's Classics Surah 7:168

[2] - Excerpt from The Qur'an, A New Translation by M.A.S. Abdel Haleem, Oxford World's Classics Surah 7:162

Note: 5/19/2012 The FBI and its associates are playing a game with me called taunt and thwart, and are harassing me to stop my disclosure regarding the facts I've quoted to the left, and dislike my use of the Koran / Qur'an in order to show similarities between the Bible and the Koran, as well as how both compliment each other in regard to Christianity and Muslim beliefs. Further, because the U.S. Government and certain uneducated Christian leaders want you to believe Muslims are bad people, and falsely, that they hate the United States and Christians.

Even more, they dislike the facts to the left that I refer to the Skull & Bones and the various names they and their associates call themselves and have called themselves, and are concerned that I am aware of the discussion with Naomi Klein and Paul Begala before the elections in 2002 on CNN Crossfire, that John Kerry was already the DNC Presidential Nominee for 2004 to oppose George W. Bush, both of whom are Skull and Bones Members. 

Naomi and Paul discussed how Kerry was the DNC candidate long before there were any announcements by candidates that they were running in the 2004 election. Their biggest complaint, and why I'm willing to tell this in spite of their objections, is their complaint that I claim U.S. Federal Elections are "fixed". For more information, search for "Black Box Voting".

In Washington State, speak to Dino Rossi. That remark not is intended to be an endorsement or condemnation, or to claim that he is a Skull and Bones member or affiliate. I am just aware of some details of elections he's lost.

Finally, Skull and Bones is another name for those and others God would call Idumeans (whom God said He would remove from power in the "end of days", aka the end of the reign of the anti-Christ.)



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